Encapsulated Citric Acid Suppliers & Manufacturers
Mubychem Limited of USA & India is a pioneer manufacturers suppliers exporters & importers of chemicals including Hydraulic fracturing stimulation & oil well production chemicals, Pharmaceutical excipients, Fragrance & flavor chemicals. Muby Chem Ltd has several manufacturing facilities and toll manufacturers across the globe. We have offices warehouses and representatives in Houston & Midland Texas and Chicago Illinois USA. Our suppliers have accreditations like FDA - GMP-GLP approval, ISO-9001, ISO-22000 HACCP, Kosher & Halal Certification. We offer Commercial Pure Pharmacopoeia Analytical Reagent & Food Grade of Chemicals and do Toll Manufacturing for Oil well drilling fracking fracturing and others. SDS MSDS of Encapsulated Citric Acid Manufacturers
Encapsulated Citric Acid
Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil or Polymer Coated
Encapsulated Citric Acid is offered in two differnt types of coating. One with polymer coating is used mainly in fracturing industry and the one which is coated with hydrogenated vegetable oil is used in bakery or food industries apart from fracturing.
Polymer coated slow release or extended release citric aid is used in shale gas fracturing. It relases slowly with time, like say less than 10% in 1 hour and balance in a day or so.
Citric Acid coated with hydrogenated palm oil or hydrogenated soybean oil will have a sharp release at say 55-60C (about 130-140F) or say 65-70C (about 150-160F). This can be called temperature based release. Other coatings as per buyers need can be given.
Encapsulated Citric Acid Manufacturers:
Muby Chem Ltd.
Toll manufacturing & Warehouse at Houston & Midland, Texas, USA and India
USA, Canada, Mexico Customers may e-mail: usa@mubygroup.com
Call 1-844-682-9243Europe Africa Asia India Mumbai e-mail: info@mubygroup.com
Call +91-22-23774610
Suppliers Manufacturers Exporters Importers between USA Canada UAE Europe South Africa Tanzania Kenya Uganda Egypt Nigeria Turkey Mexico Brazil Argentina Chile Dubai China India etc.
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Suppliers Manufacturers Exporters Importers between USA Canada UAE Europe Russia South Africa Tanzania Kenya Uganda Egypt Nigeria Turkey Mexico Brazil Argentina Chile Dubai China India etc.
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