Sodium Butyrate Commercial Pure USP & Coated Encapsulated Manufacturers, Feed Grade
Mubychem Limited of USA & India is a pioneer manufacturers suppliers exporters & importers of chemicals including Hydraulic fracturing stimulation & oil well production chemicals, Pharmaceutical excipients, Fragrance & flavor chemicals. Muby Chem Ltd has several manufacturing facilities and toll manufacturers across the globe. We have offices warehouses and representatives in Houston & Midland Texas and Chicago Illinois USA. Our suppliers have accreditations like FDA - GMP-GLP approval, ISO-9001, ISO-22000 HACCP, Kosher & Halal Certification. We offer Commercial Pure Pharmacopoeia Analytical Reagent & Food Grade of Chemicals and do Toll Manufacturing for Oil well drilling fracking fracturing and others. MSDS of Sodium Butyrate Manufacturers
Formula: C4H7O2Na or CH3CH2CH2COONa
CAS Number: 156-54-7
Molar Mass: 110.08695 g
Percent Composition: C 43.640 % H 6.4090 % O 29.066 % Na 20.883 %Appearance and properties: White or off-white and alike villus powder. Taste is slight sweet, with special cheese rancidity odor, with suction wet, alkalescence and stable for light and hot.
Sodium butyrate is the product that energy nutrition adjusts technology of intestinal mucosa. It is an energy source of rapid proliferation of intestinal mucosa epithelial cell, activatory lymphocyte etc., which can ensure the rapid repair of injured intestinal mucosa and accelerate proliferation and maturation. It can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria Lactobacillus, bifidobacterium and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria Coliform in the gastrointestinal tract. In essence, reduce the diarrhea and promote the brood growth rapidly. In addition to its antineoplastic activity, sodium butyrate induces changes in cellular morphology, alters the expression of cellular genes, modulates hormone action and hormone receptors as well as growth factor receptors. Sodium butyrate has also been shown to inhibit the high fat diet-induced mammary tumorigenesis.
1. Sodium butyrate has hydrophilic and lipophilic properties. It can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Sodium butyrate is an energy source of enterocyte, which can promote growth of intestinal mucosa. Villus of intestine increase 30%
Specification of Sodium Butyrate:
2. Sodium butyrate is an energy source of cell differentiation, which can ensure the rapid repair of injured chorion and accelerate proliferation and maturation of gastrointestinal cells.
3. Improve animal immune status.
4. Increase the absorption area of small intestine, promote the absorption of calcium, and stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas.
5. Sodium butyrate is a good attractant which can significantly increase feed intake. Regulate intestinal microecological balance.
6. Sodium butyrate can improve the health and growth performance of animals and increase economic benefits for farmers. It can significantly increase feed intake and reduce PH value of gastrointestinal tract. The effect is obvious that inhibits harmful bacteria and promotes the growth of animal.
ITEM SPECIFICATION Assay %≥99 Solubility in Water ≤Slightly Turbid Free Acid as CH3COOH %≤0.11 Free Base as NA2CO3 %≤0.16 Loss on Drying %≤5 Heavy metals as Pb %≤0.002 Arsenic as As %≤0.0002 Application: Feed additive for porket, growing pig, layer, meat chicken, fish and other animals.
Usage and Dosage
The dosage is only for guidance to starters. The best dosage is the one that suits the environment.1. For pigs kg per ton of complete feed.
Porkets ............ 1.0-1.5
Piglets .............. 0.5-1.0
Growing pigs .... 0.25-0.5
Finishing pigs .... 0.25-0.5
Boar ................. 0.5-1.02. For poultry kg per ton of complete feed
Broilers (1-21d) .................. ........................ 0.15-0.5
Broilers (22-40d) .................... .................... 0.10-0.30
Broilers (41- time of slaughter) Laying hens .. 0.15-0.30
Broiler breeders ...................... ..................... 0.25-0.40
Broiler breeders ...................... ..................... 0.3-0.63. Others kg per ton of complete feed
Rabbits ......... ................ 1.5
Fishes ............. .............. 2.0-3.0
Calves ............ .............. 1.5-2.0
Sodium Butyrate USP
C4H7NaO2 -- 110.10
Butyric acid, sodium salt.
[156-54-7].Sodium Butyrate contains not less than 98.0 percent and not more than 101.0 percent of C4H7NaO2, calculated on the anhydrous basis.
A: Infrared Absorption on the undried specimen.
B: A solution (1 in 10) meets the requirements of the tests for Sodium..
Alkalinity: Dissolve 2.0 g in 20 mL of water, and add 1 drop of phenolphthalein TS: if a pink color is produced, it is discharged by 0.50 mL of 0.10 N sulfuric acid.
Water: not more than 1.0%.
Heavy metals: 0.001%.
Assay: Dissolve about 200 mg of Sodium Butyrate, accurately weighed, in 50 mL of glacial acetic acid. Add 1 drop of crystal violet TS, and titrate with 0.1 N perchloric acid to a green endpoint. Perform a blank determination, and make any necessary correction. Each mL of 0.1 N perchloric acid is equivalent to 11.01 mg of C4H7NaO2.We also supply coated or encapsulated Sodium Butyrate.
Sodium Butyrate Commercial Pure USP & Coated Encapsulated Manufacturers:
Muby Chem Ltd.
Toll manufacturing & Warehouse at Houston & Midland, Texas, USA and India
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Call +91-22-23774610
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