D-Glucuronolactone Suppliers & Manufacturers
Mubychem Limited of USA & India is a pioneer manufacturers suppliers exporters & importers of chemicals including Hydraulic fracturing stimulation & oil well production chemicals, Pharmaceutical excipients, Fragrance & flavor chemicals. Muby Chem Ltd has several manufacturing facilities and toll manufacturers across the globe. We have offices warehouses and representatives in Houston & Midland Texas and Chicago Illinois USA. Our suppliers have accreditations like FDA - GMP-GLP approval, ISO-9001, ISO-22000 HACCP, Kosher & Halal Certification. We offer Commercial Pure Pharmacopoeia Analytical Reagent & Food Grade of Chemicals and do Toll Manufacturing for Oil well drilling fracking fracturing and others. SDS MSDS of D-Glucuronolactone Manufacturers
Commercial Pure, Kosher & Halal
D-Glucuronolactone is a white solid odorless compound, soluble in hot and cold water. Its melting point ranges from 176 to 178C.
Specifications of Commercial Pure D-Glucuronolactone
Description: White crystalline powder
Identification: The IR spectrum of the sample should be concordant with that of standard.
Specific Optical Rotation (c=8 in water) at 20C: +17 to +20°
LOD: <0.5%
Purity: 98 to 102%D-Glucuronolactone Manufacturers:
Muby Chem Ltd.
Toll manufacturing & Warehouse at Houston & Midland, Texas, USA and India
USA, Canada, Mexico Customers may e-mail: usa@mubygroup.com
Call 1-844-682-9243Europe Africa Asia India Mumbai e-mail: info@mubygroup.com
Call +91-22-23774610
Suppliers Manufacturers Exporters Importers between USA Canada UAE Europe South Africa Tanzania Kenya Uganda Egypt Nigeria Turkey Mexico Brazil Argentina Chile Dubai China India etc.
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Suppliers Manufacturers Exporters Importers between USA Canada UAE Europe Russia South Africa Tanzania Kenya Uganda Egypt Nigeria Turkey Mexico Brazil Argentina Chile Dubai China India etc.
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